Just another day in Enschede
Vintage design meubels
What vibe does the name Joost have in Dutch?
Help friend is ignoring me
Anyone else getting tired of the people saying “but there’s no plot!”
Theory: All Hallows' Eve movie exists in the Terrifier universe
Ik ben in Glanerbrug opgegroeid en ik kwam er gisteren pas achter dat joppiesaus daar vandaan komt
Key copy- question
Guy in front of Albert Heijn in centre
Type 1 diabetic AMA
Exhausted after my first bout of Hypoglycemia
What is DKA like
Sickness & Emotional Regulation Issues
AITA for getting my boyfriend to pay half towards an accidental breakage?
Work tv too high?
AITA if l invite everyone from my husband's friend group except one girl to our wedding reception?
My friend wants me to go to a appointment with her
AITAH for getting angry at the fact my partner had been still in contact and still had her ex staying with her for the past 2 months we have been trying to fix our relationship?
If the world ended in 7 days, would you hope it was zombies? If not, what would you want it to be?
How often do you change your clothes ?
I was working at night clubs as bodyguard for 10 years. AMA
What are the reasons that you shouldn’t move to US?
What's an underrated item to keep in your bag?
Which trend do you think will make a comeback in 2025?