Ranting About German Leftists Going Full Fascist / Stalinist (DELETED VAUSH VIDEO)
Why do Vaushites feel the need to defend their king so hard on his awful CP takes?
does anyone have that clip of Vaush saying “we’ve all jerked it to loli”
Why I left the left.
Loli is ok because it’s at least not real 11 year olds. (Reposted to edit out subreddit name)
Noah Samsen is a coward and a cuck for letting V*ush dictate the means of his response.
Vaush vs Vaush on Loli
[Justice] #Cavs Rajon Rondo said that he considered retiring but now being around the young guys on the team is refreshing for him.
Another ex-Nazi who joined the white supremacist Vaush cult...
Solving the Debate Bro Problem
You hate to see it
Vaush's reaction when Destiny exposed his sexual harassment discord logs
"Patriotic Socialist" has weird obsession with hating on food delivery people
Vaush calls leftists who agree with POC women "Castrated Whities" while picking his nose
Noah Samsen - Solving the Debate Bro Problem
Vaush fake cackles at the notion that the US State Department is "leading coups across this world"
Vaush being a disgusting racist
Vaush gives Infrared credit for invoking Zizek to defend him
Vaush coins term "pedojacketing" to defend himself from criticism
Vaush repeats Infrared lie that BadEmpanada is a Sexpat
Vaushite repeats infrared lie that NonCompete is a sexpat
Least ableist Vaushite
Vaushites shut up about 13/50 challenge (Impossible)
Vaushite found "actual pedophile" Amos Yee made persuasive arguments for pedophilia