...did my character just switch to german at the end of the sentence?
is there a way to keep shuffle and repeat on after i switch playlists?
Re :duce :use :vitalise
RE :duce :use :vitalise
Automaton propaganda spotted?
I bought r6 deluxe edition on steam yesterday, do you have any tips for someone who has no clue what they are doing?
Give me what's on your ctrl + V
DHMIS sequel?
Roses are red, I think I'll pass.
Are there any good websites / programs that can import over 700 songs from a spotify playlist into a youtube music one?
Give me your avatar and i give it a wife
Does the fourth ship module in Engineering Bay (the one that makes the weapons that use electricity arc to one more enemy) work on the blitzer?
Am I dumb or did the name change from "In the court of the corpse king" (which is closer to the refference of the name of this level, "in the court of the crimson king"), to just "court of the corpse king"?
Types of Helldivers
How/where do people pose their avatars?
I have never used profanity on reddit
How cool and awful would it be to add a giant shrieker
Based On You're Avatars You will be Given a Pet,
Giving your avatars a silly dumb nicknames :33 (dont expect anything good or smth)
Putting your avatars in a tier list based on how would they solve world hunger
why do people call earthmover "benjamin"?
What would your avatar do if they saw me
Drawing yall's avatar heads
how does your avatar smell?