convince me on UC Merced
louder but not obnoxious exhaust/muffler
Did I overtake too aggressively(ignore the ending)
The last two times Ferrari scored exactly 5 points in a season opener
was going with a used 3070 a bad decision?
what the hell just happened. is this a bug or did i miss something.
Was this Intentional &/or reportable?
Just your average T1, Lap 1 Incident or could more have been done to avoid?
Was this deserved?
Who is at fault?
there’s no way 10,000 people believed this
What could I have done to avoid this better
Was I in the wrong for trying to pass here?
I’m so done with this game
absolute cinema
Who is at fault or is it an incident?
I wanna learn drive 992
Why does this look so bad
What's your flavour?
Is this Porsche worth 2790€
My fault or no? My pov
College Board is so baddd ☹️
What are you driving?
Traded in the Taycan…