Just curious, are you all going to become ghouls? If so, what makes you want to play as a ghoul?
Trade offer
Did we kill Earl?
Question: why do high levels clear out the donation boxes?
What voice lines "live rent free in your head"?
Captured 10 workshops so I could AFK farm sugarbombs/coffee.
W: Backwoodsman 4. H: 1500 caps EA
Ordered from DoorDash
Finally, I can solo the EN06!!
What’s your plan for the remaining wait time between now and the start of next season’s Glow of the Ghoul”?
Gid forbid a woman be repulsed by "Alpha" males
Stumbled on half a server running Caravans
Are bodies client side or server side?
Public Teams, true or false.
Since when does selling an item for 1000 caps gives me 900 instead?
‘We need to stop the bleeding:’ Grand Rapids hit by wave of restaurant closures
If Someone Launches a Nuke at my Camp, Should I Quit the Game?
Cap limit mostly sucks but sometimes it's really fun.
Unyielding builds look nutty for next season. Has anyone played around with them on PTS?
W: Backwoodsman 4, H: Leaders 1:5, Caps 1k per, Loon, Raven
[XB1] H: Mods W: Leaders/Fasnacht/Apparel
W:backwoodsman 4 H: 1000c per
Bundles breathed new life into Nomadic play
What This Fasnacht Has Taught Me.
Should Bethesda add a 7th Legendary Perk Slot if you reach level 1,000?