Coureur des Bois: "Leave us alone! We're not like old villagers who fight with just knives. We have guns now."
What would this country be called?
Was sind, eurer Erfahrung nach, die besten Wetterdienste für Österreich?
I have some basic feature requests for Launcher (correct me if anything's already there)
The VT space sure is a space, innit?
Makima x Conquest by @xyanaid
Showing off Nesting Dolls my girlfriend made for me of the Reploid Force!
Trump said there was a "straight artificial line" between Canada and the US, so I fixed that in MS paint
i’m an american and i’ve never heard of goopenshittenberg, can anyone here show me where it’s located?
goated wrist game
Ich bin der Meinung, dass man die österreichischen Centmünzen bei Gelegenheit überarbeiten sollte
Reverse snobbery is killing the watch scene
What explains the prosperity and livability of Austria compared to Germany and Italy?
Fangen wir auch damit an?
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
Ich sag ja nur...
Hear me out: A 3D Megaman Zero game set during the elf wars, with DMC-like combat.
Which megaman is a good one start the franchise?
Crazy how much a hub adds to the feel of the game
When was this made illegal?
LineageOS in 2025
There is a war within all gooners.
r/audiophile Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk Thread
... How did I get here?
Europe’s culinary divide.