Would you like Three Strikes to stay permanently?
How do I fix this I’m not lagging but my latency is broken
Controller Settings
What is the best reticle color in apex?
4-Year Apex Legends Veteran: My Suggestions for Improving the Game
Most intense 1v3 pred
The solo queue experience
How have the new updates affected your performance?
What was the key improvement that helped you rank up?
Best XBOX controller?
[AMA] Let’s talk about Takeover’s Legends and Weapons
El crecimiento económico sin justicia social es explotación y la acumulación de riqueza sin límites es un crimen de lesa humanidad.
Que significa esta imagen? Si un hombre le envía esto a una mujer está coqueteando?
Why am I good in Gun run and TD but suck in Trios? Anyone else the same?
Can’t get out of gold.
Apex Ranked: Fun game, but my teammates are a mystery
Apex pack wrap
I’m old and here is my opinion on Your Apex video game
Hace sentido tener dos brokers hipotecarios y dos notarios al comprar casa?
am i deaf or there was zero sound?° somehow i think they fucked even more with the audio because it feels even worse
Does this happen for everyone else or just me?
Why does the sound go down when I shoot?
The Skill Distribution graphs are interesting!
can we please delete crafting banners on replicaters