These words gave never felt more true.
Best Doctor Who character that starts with the letter: A
Fear the Walking Dead worth watching now?
Working on a Walking Dead Fanfiction
Who Should take Over Transformers after Daniel Warren Johnson Leaves?(March Edition)
More ideas for my Walking Dead fanfiction.
Most Emotional Sheldon + Leonard Scene
Outjerked by... Star Wars fans?
Outjerked by.... Spider-Man fans?
Saw this image on this subreddit and just had to make a meme out of it
Whiny bitch baby who didn’t like BvS is an insignificant worm, keep coping WB shill
Freema Agyeman
Uh oh…
Does he have more badass moments in the comics?
Explore with (adult) Dora (AdventureJuntos) [Dora the Explorer]
Spelling mistake/typo in Absolute Flash Issue #1
What do you think Eleanor thought was gonna happen when she told Joan Javi and Tripps plan?
British teen kills his family under the influence of The Walking Dead game
Easily my favorite freeze frame from any LEGO game ever
Meme this pls
Ayesha Dharker from Planet Of The Oods
I love the parallels, Aaron has one of my favourite character developments in the show
Name me a character u didn't think was gonna make it to the end when u first saw them
Seen on my way home in Bournemouth
people tend to forget that
do you think clementine is out there somewhere in the TV universe?