Found a sealed wii game at the thrift!
CRT vs Flatscreen HD / What is your preference?
How much extra voltage can the Wii handle
[DISCOVERY WHILE TRAVELING: Found a Sega Mega Drive 16-Bit in Africa! 🤯]
Wii Hacks Wii Modding Help Thread! March 09, 2025
Poor cat
Well... Something went very wrong
Proof you can get good kills with a 177 500fps pellet gun
Can anyone help identifying the *exact* model of this Hitachi CRT? It turned out to be surprisingly difficult to find any info of this TV.
My Townhouse, Vancouver Canada
Ill be thinking about this one for a long time. Amazing game. [Beyond Oasis]
made wiimote + nunchuk keychains! :D
My first plasma FWD-42PX2 (it's a Sony)
Sensor bar port broken off... suggestions?
Legit cpu or not?
My Photo/Video home office - Minnesota
Glory to the Motherboard
The Beovision 9 Plasma
hello, the Wii signal goes off with some games using Component Cable at 480P
hello everyone ! I want to help me decide please ..
What do you think is wrong here?
My 5” Sharp 5G11 Portable
Best mask for full beard?
Is she dead, guys?