Krieg Combat Engineers are useless now?
How accurate is the BlossomUp Narcissist traits test?
Some Thoughts On Recon (And Why It Slaps)
Kitbashed a biophagus
Where's the love for Xenocreed Congregation detachment?
AK muddy ground base advice
The Fat Tide - 2000 points of Bullgryn :)
Mining acos extra CP turn 1
Birria Tacos, where?
Abominant kitbash (?)
Me after buying the brood brothers kit
Brood Brothers VS WE
Is a viable/ good oops all SENTINELS list possible in the new codex?
My take on Kreig HWS
Krieg heavy weapon team + Taurox = ridiculous
The Hammer of the Emperor detachment is really terrible game design.
GSC Kitbashes
Biophagus Kitbash
My first chimera
New Detachment is here! BRIDGEHEAD STRIKE!
After 10 first attempt painting an Abominant and Aberrant squad. Any tips?
Ursula creed ability
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