Does Jesus wants me free from porn/Lust ? Does he even care about my struggle?
Britain Issues Travel Warning for US
Champion Support
Gek are the best.
What is your favorite planet type?
I bought this game less than two days ago...
Any Advice for Champion Difficulty?
Why Donuts?
Idk what this is, but it looks correct
What is the name of your freighter?
Hey auths and libs
I HATE when that happens.
RIP your inheritance
For those who saw Episode II in theaters, what was it like to experience this scene?
Comparing Trump to Palpatine is not proving any points
Echochamber bad.png
Can’t be the only one who thinks this is weird?
Could you imagine, lol...
Putting the Auth in AuthRight
Weekly Bug Report Thread
First Time Meeting an Aggressive One.
In reaction to Gaza
I’m getting sick of these dramatic morons, man. (Context on the second slide)
Israel-Palestine conflict is about to get exciting.