Safest country to escapte to as a gay couple?
Do I Give Them Money?
Guilty Pleasure
Would your audio drama like a short review? (Apple podcast)
Need a podcast similar to dndaddies that’s still running, recommendations? [ns]
Views on the Emma mattress?
The Raven's Nevermore - S3E10 Romancing the Dungeon
Floor Fitters
Book recommendation
If you got back with your BF after they cheated, did they cheat again?
What song will you play at your wedding?
Holiday World Show Limerick
LFG - Call of Cthullu / Players Wanted
Shout out to the Taiwan metro PSA gang!!
Send a funny pic of your cat and I'll sketch it quickly!
Growing your audience
Open thread of an evening
Banning links to Twitter/X
Proposal to ban x .com links
Reminder: You do *not live in America
Best teacher you had in school?
Romancing the Dungeon S3 E8 - Whine O'Clock
What’s the stupidest thing you believed as a child?
Cute Romance Drama recs?
What do you do for a living, do you like it and how did you fall into it?