Figured it would be a good time to post this Doritos bag from the late '70s I found last year in a park
What snacks/food are you preparing for 3 hour long department meetings
JD Vance - ''Here's the thing. The cameras are all on; anything I say, no matter how crazy, she has to smile, laugh, and celebrate it.''
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Our lobby is awkward: help me
OG Liquid Death
Any way to recycle this or ideas for somewhere that might reuse it? It’s laser engraved
What are your top frozen meal items you get every visit?
Sam Seder on Jubilee’s Surrounded: “Government agencies don’t pay taxes, government agencies are funded by the government.”
What is ruining your mental health?
What does my father's fridge and freezer say about him?
Less than $3 for a Banana Republic Sweater
Lets ignore North America, what else is happening around the world that people don't know about?
Found in the allotment
Target Alternative
Is it a Gen X thing or is it just me?
What place has the best sandwiches and burgers?
Separation anxiety. I'm at a loss.
Found this at the bins
Says rr don’t bark a lot . I have a mix and she never barks, which we love. Is this true wt rr
Dark Skin
Found at the bins
Found in a magazine at a thrift store
Would this rug look good or ridiculous in my living room?
Office Space Quotables