Most of the niggas on this sub Reddit are retards
Look at this fire meme 🥶🥶🥶💯
why do most communites not let low karma ppl comment
Persistant slug entering home plz help.
whatd bryn even do to you 😭
the state of techtok
What is Post karma, Comment karma and for what reason is it important to be able to comment in so many subreddits 🙏?
i HAT bryn
I hate when posts get removed cuz low karma
what is killing my eyes
Anyone else get sick of the word ‘skibidi’?
how does one use the test points with a mutli meter
Almost every cap in this area of this iphone 8 plus motherboard is shorted to ground does anyone know whats most likely the problem component
locked out of netbank
got charged twice for an item what should i do?
How does one get transparent menus, panes etc to work on wayland like macos and windows has
Manchild wanted to run me over and told me to k*** myself over a furry tail
Can't Update Ubuntu
2.4ghz channel range is terrible
Need to port cyanogenMod 14.1 to my alcatel Pixi onetouch 4 (4) 3g