Is Ubuntu a good start for a newcomer?
Weird squares all around the viewport. Is there a fix for this?
Found this Wii at a yard sale for $5
New dashboard change?
What’s the weirdest thing your brain has convinced you to be afraid of?
this house layout so bad i had to go outside and connect with nature
What was a thing everyone hated until one day, when people suddenly started to love it?
What’s a song that you listen to differently once you understand its meaning?
How would you describe America today? [Serious]
Since Dreamworks is doing a live action remake of How to Train Your Dragon, how would you react if they announced that they will also be doing live action remakes for Captain Underpants and The Boss Baby?
What are the disadvantages of anarchism? Are there any advantages?
What color do you dislike the most?
What’s the worst feeling/experience to have while playing a video game?
What is way more complicated than it needs to be?
What is a word that always gets mispronounced?
What seriously annoys you?
What was a popular song you knew was a cover from the beginning?
What’s stopping you from achieving your goals?
What's your favourite chip flavor?
Do you wear socks in bed, and why or why not?
What are your thoughts about artificial intelligence?
Tall people of reddit, what's an issue short people don't know about?
What's the worst thing that you would wish on your worst enemie?
If you could explain a reason why aliens steal cows, what would the reason be?
you people like the word "no" huh? name 10 different ways of saying no