Stop scrolling please 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
How did this scum disable kicking
My fellow Helldivers, I’m caught in a bad storm and might not make it out, if I don’t make it out I want you all to know, it was an honor serving with you all.
My daughter made this for me
just do it
lil check in here
Send your oldest saved image
This is the best primary for bots
Doctor, are you sure this will work?
Me when
I’m so done with this game
Show me your last saved image and I'll decide if you'll knock on Heaven's door or not
Anyone else?
I think this booster would safe lives.
This is what comes to my mind everytime i see this helmet.
He just wants to talk.
Do you have a mobility item idea you'd love to see in game?
Me on my way home after my 9 to 5
What a fan-fucking-tastic way to start the new the DLC ._.
Give it here in the comments
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
How would have thing played out of Trevor went to meet Steve Haines instead of Michael?
Add it to Xbox already!!!
What it it?