Sukritact is joining the Firaxis team!
Is this a normal cost for an army commander? Modern Era, normal speed and difficulty, and I have 6 commanders.
Did reviews change your purchasing desicion of the game?
My view on the flow of Civilizations from different world regions. Hopefully they fill in the gaps quickly after the first year.
Day 626 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released (12 to go)
The new Civ VII roadmap
New Age BEFORE antiquity
One More Month
Is any of this authentic British food? What would be worth trying?
I’m very excited about the 1 specific age gameplay coming that was confirmed with the PlayStation blog post.
New Civ Game Guide: Songhai
What's your favourite feature of Civ VII so far?
Exploration Buildings Guide - All known effects + visual cultural variants
Pre-Ordered Civ VII Founder's Edition, I am beyond hyped to play this game!!!
As a fan of civ bot not a history buff, what civs(confirmed or likely) can we expect Inca to transition from and into?
There Might Be a Religion Tree in Civ 7
First Impressions on Age Reset
I don’t like the size of the chickens.
My prediction of the modern age civs.
New Civ Game Guide: Abbasid
Civ 7 AI will be historically accurate if possible…
Palaces for different civs
I don't see people talking about the new system of playing just the ages alone. What are y'alls thoughts?
Which class would you like to see in diablo 4?
is Diablo IV a good buy for a Diablo II fan?