Offical Maps for Adventures
Crafting multiple items
Item Cards (Food, Drink, Chems, Magazines, and Tools)
The fallout tv show is so great
How do you handle weight/encumbrance?
How do you run journeys?
Question about chem duration
Daily living costs (lodging etc..)
C7 - Horus Heresy RPG in development for 2026
Who is your favorite Captain and why?
Group is starting a Fallout game. I'm fairly new to the lore, anywhere I can get a brief overview so I'm not totally out of the loop?
[17 M] How can I make my self look better? Please tell me the truth only.
How to use obtain information action
Can you use the aim action with melee wespons?
Just wanted to get peoples thoughts on the addtions the show did to the T-60 Power Armor.
Thoughts On The Original Dune Movie By David Lynch.
Numbers on/in the city name label
Fallout Star Walton Goggins Says Season 2 Blows Season 1 "Out Of The Water"
Do items such as carrot flowers count as food when in workshop?
New RuneQuest?
Why did Steven Moffat create the War Doctor instead of using the Eighth Doctor?
Spartacus board game
Am I the only one who likes this game?
Do tato flowers and the..
Ways to Simplify Combat