Stephen King-themed names for a female cat?
Any easy way to get wolf's blood swordgrass?
How to get midir to stop spamming just one attack?
Painful hard spot on bottom of foot
Just wanted to flex that I got a magma blade on my 2nd run
Deflecting hard tear just kinda feels weird
Unsheate nagakiba vs moonveil?
Accidentally killed pilgrim in yorshka church. Can I still do usurpation of fire ending or wtv anris quest name is
Am I overleveled or something? Pontiff sulyvahn was rlly easy
Genuinely not in a douchey arrogant way but when does the game get hard
How do I cheese abyss watchers
Is every arena as horrible as gasciogne's?
Where to go before volcano manor?
What boss for you didn't live up to their design? 💔
Ds1 or ds3?
Should I get ds3 or bloodborne?
Have a painful spot on bottom of my foot
How far into the game am I?
Are you a goofy or character specific name kinda person?
Am I underleveled or just bad
Gaius hatepost
Average rune level for online?
What attack made you truly feel powerful in this game