Haha get it cuz extrovert sociolize
This is my explanation of the joke made in the Bad shortfilm xd
Murder is wonderful????
I'm jealous😑
this pic is awful (i was really excited lol) but mj was presented as an important black figure at my schools black history month assembly a couple weeks ago 🩷
How to respond to: "A fetus can't think. It doesn't have fully developed brain so fine to abort it"
Me encanta este grupo, la gente se arde muy rápido
what we have here is failure to communicate
Pro-choice feminists in Guatemala reject free bread and vandalize San Martín bakery during 8M march
"Ella es generala" está mal dicho
the way he's looking at our girl whitney... she was so strong, i could never 🥹
peak hotness 🌊
March 10, 1988: Michael honored by the United Negro College Fund
All in a day´s work
"It'S jUsT a ClUmP oF cElLs"
Censorship on other subs is so annoying
Something very disturbing I heard yesterday.
Porqué no tienen pareja?
After birth abortion is ok now??!
TBFH MJ had different kind of beauty in Stranger In Moscow.
Let's talk about this.
Pro choice debate manual (by me)
WTF is this Born alive Bill doing? It makes no sense!
The Irony
Pov if Michael was still alive and you could talk to him, what would you say?