Ryan Bomberger, conceived in rape, but whose mother chose life
If making eggs more expensive would end abortion, I would gladly take the deal!
So far, I've felt like dating as a pro-life man is incredibly scary and not worthy, because the woman might be hiding her true intentions. Turns out, dating is horrible in general because of abortionists and for women it's no better
This really made me feel bad
Huh?? These people have lost it 😭 Killing babies just to prove some political agenda/pettiness bc you don't like who's in office
At least they’re honest… does anyone have stats for this? I’d love to keep it on hand in my notes app.
Have you ever felt afraid of judgement when you express your beliefs?
Bhad Bhabie’s Diss Tracks are…prolife???
This poor woman
People who hates babies just for being babies need to go to a mental institution cause what is this
I can’t even🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
After birth abortion is ok now??!
"It'S jUsT a ClUmP oF cElLs"
Must be the prochoice empathy I keep hearing about
Plan B
My thoughts on the rape exception
“No shit Sherlock” Then why even bring up the topic of abortion??
Mom wants to murder baby at 19 weeks.
Your child didn’t “sign up for getting aborted” in heaven, you simply killed it.
I feel like Im screwing my life over and I want encouragement
When was the angriest a pro-choices ever got at you?
I'm pro-choice
The most irrefutable pro-life argument: the purpose of the uterus