If you were born as a mutant would being given One for All cause the glass to over fill and kill you or would your body just be stronger?
which of the League of villains members would you want to spend your day with and why? (assuming they are neutral towards you at the start but may harm you depending on their personality and your behavior)
There is something I don’t understand about Korra
There is something I don’t understand
Why is azula’s fire blue and does that mean she is stronger than fire lord ozai was during sozin’s comet
What is the difference between rewards and awards?
What is the most controllable car out of the base cars
Who else thinks that Ty Lee would be really op if she could use fire bending
i just realized this there's no headlights nor the lights in the back
[discussion] if Makarov retired in season 1 after what Laxus did who do you think would have made a good choice for guild master
Hypothetically, if Spiderman kicked Black Widow in the back of the head, would she die?
Why did Pearl have this reaction to Stevonnie?
Is there a mod/way to make humans stop bleeding after being dead?
Eating a sandwich
Where do you scale Naruto?
i tried to rebuild someone after i exploded them
Nuh uh dont think of liying
Where are your fingers… seriosly?
Is it possible
I just realized
Whos a better actor: Tom Cavanagh or Tom Ellis
Is he taking the win or not?
[discussion] why do I get the feeling Ezra is the type of person who would kiss someone just to shut them up
What is the purpose of this
Kirishima got the most upvotes, but I'll put twice in 2nd place. Who's going in the last square?