Characters who literally swapped races with an In-Universe Explanation
“Hey, this story is taking place around the same time as . . . oh. . . oh no!”
Who's a hero you wish was in Justice League Unlimited
The problem with many Andor fans' dismissal of core themes of star wars
Does Filoni dislike Delta squad
[ASOIAF] George R.R Martin can't kill his darlings (spoilers)
The adaptation is better than the source material
Defeating the Dark Lord and his Evil Empire doesn't instantly fix everything
Is there a Protestant version of the Imperial Cult?
This character wouldn't have nearly as many fans as they do if they weren't funny
Did Emperor Palpatine received marriage offers?
I'm beginning to think 'it was more grimdark back in the day' is a myth
Why does Leia have one really long fingernail in RoTJ?
That one musical episode.
You can order a strategic precision airstrike that will destroy one of these people forever. Who do you pick?
If you could meet ANY Fallout character IRL, but only one forever and ever, no second picks, which would you pick?
Tell me, nerds, which star wars book (canon or legends) is your favorite? Personally mine is the Darth Bane Trilogy
Which Navy is more competent? Imperium of Man Navy or Galactic Empire Navy
Characters who get the Ron the death eater trope? In other words do one bad thing and now the fandom makes them seem worse than what they did.
Emperor reborn (legends)
I don't want to know why the reindeer is there.
Constant Victims of the Worf Effect
Uncredited cover art for "My Teacher Is an Alien" by Bruce Coville (1989)
Episodes about characters disconnected from the protagonists, but it’s arguably the best episode in the whole show
[Hated Trope] When you think the protagonist is just some random but it turns out they're actually related to the strongest person of all time