A3 Poster Prints
Banned Card Warning when crafting Monstruos Rage
[TDM] Neriv, Heart of the Storm
[TDM] Marang River Regent
[TDM] Dracogenesis (via LRRMTG
Tarkir: Dragonstorm Cannot Get Here Fast Enough
Rakdos Sac, decklist in comments
Novice Standard Player Seeking Tips On Piloting Esper Self-Bounce
Ratadrabik's back, baby!
The pros and cons of achievements
New MTGA Player
It finally happened
Brian Kibler calls out Standard's biggest offenders
If you play ranked decks in regular standard...
How can this cost €7.30?
Is midrange creature strategy decks just a waste of time?
Omniscience complaint
Counter, nerfing or reduced printing ?
Ireland will raise both Ukraine and Gaza in the Oval Office next week, pledges the Taoiseach to the Dáil
Mono Red - 70% Win Rate in BO3 - Everything is Fine!
Trump warns Zelensky he 'won't be around very long' if he refuses peace deal with Russia
How Dafuq do i mute the pets in this game?
For the love of Magic the Gathering. Please let us specifically mute the Pets.
New player and need perspective - standard feels like rock/paper/scissors