Highway to penis
Is there a way to make it good?
Show me your last saved photo related to gaming
What's your top 3 features you'd like to see in the next GR game, and your top 3 things you don't want to see added/return?
Custom Xbox360 Wireless guitar
Tell me your favorite song and I’ll use data to tell you if it’s underrated.
What is your play style?
Do i look like shlatt
How does the Hell Knight from both Doom 3 and DOOM (2016) see without their eyes?
It's so weird to me that people still call Mia morally gray
i drew LIBAD on my school’s whiteboard
I hate the new generation of hunters
I pasted James McAffrey's into Max Payne 1 model
Which characters to you think made the leap from the video games to the big screen the most authentically?
Which character annoyed you more?
What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
What's y'all favorite version of mercenaries
Describe your favourite game as a YouTube click bait title… (image unrelated)
We are gona get some cursed results.
first time playing re7 !!
Who do you want to be the protagonist in a possible resident evil game?
You heard him
Very useful
What the fuck did I just play?
Why did Leon shoot the president? Wrong answers only.