…How can you tell?
I just got the double sided Rescue Team poster, put it right next to the DX poster
Say that again Shiftry?
Mitsuru reference in Pokemon?
Oh my god
Kotone being a good older sister to Maiko
Lin moment
What happened to the New FotNS???
[Crosspost] AMA With Lotus Juice Happening Now on r/Persona!
Wassup Lotus Juice here. Ask Me Anything.
The power of a *peeled* chestnut
If Kotone committed to the bald look
I’ve been playing the 1st mystery Dungeon on GBA Switch, and I yearn for this mfer to be cast into the inferno of Hell and burned to ashes for all eternity.
How do i download content from a dvd to my laptop?
What did Theo mean by this?
Anyone else here really enjoy Jackal as a villian? He's severely underrated IMO.
This piece of bird shit on my car window looks like joker p5.
Yukari is reading your letter and is speechless. What did you write her?
So I picked up blender
Why did we need the Time Gears when the answer to the problem was right in front of us?
Mystery dungeon rare DVDs
Demon Fusion Not Unlocking
Don't Mention These Episodes to my face okay?
[5] 3 phases of Victory Road - 31,049 REs later, here're my spoils! Was hunting for Vullaby or Mienfoo!