*Update* easy mod and installed!
Should I update 3DS or keep the older version?
Went to Taco Bell recently and they just gave me sm mild sauces for no reason 😭.
My aunt passed and left me her Nintendo DS collection. I feel that, with my two childhood DSes, I finally have them all.
On my way to collecting every DS every color (and custom)
I beat all the gyms :)
Rate the team so far
Dont know how to edit posts so heres another idea
My first shiny ever 😃
Rate my squad!!
I can finally start the game
Pokemon white 2 purchased recently for my collection and with a GameStop raikou? (Shiny)
Real or fake
Mystery dungeon rare DVDs
I caught Uxie using a timerball and here's how many PP it had left before struggle and fainting itself
Hey anyone know what’s up with this?
Rate my team for Pokémon White
Japanese Wishmaker Jiraichi
Taco Bell in Walmart??
What was your first caught shiny?
Why do pokemon games say “apparently” arrived or met?
I beat Black 2 with only pokemon found in Flocessy Ranch!
What is this?
Real or Fake?
After five years of emptiness, i decided to go back to 2006.