Seinfeld’s actual stand up.
Kristin as Demon Queen?
2 year old sleeps only 4 hrs
Why are tampons and maxi pads often co-located with diapers at grocery stores?
Why do people keep saying “enjoy it now because these are the fun years”
Most in character quote from these characters. Today: Vice President Selina Meyer
Theory: many regretful parents are just burned out
Most in character quote from these characters. Today: Gary Walsh
Not everyone has a great family
Tonight’s “Who’s Afraid of a Cheap Old House”
I've been waiting for this day since 2022
Who’s Afraid of a Cheap Old House now on Max…
Is Kayla autistic?
I can't tolerate most foods anymore
You’re stuck on a 14-hour flight. Which fictional character do you want sitting next to you?
Your favorite and least favourite mini storylines
Selina's "friends"
What’s the best episode to introduce people to the show?
Will this swimsuit help reduce drag? 👀
What's the water temperature where you swim?
Some Swim Workouts/Drills for Muscle Building?
What's the biggest barrier to swimming for a beginner?
Best stroke or drills for toning backs of thighs?
I need to get my dog a dog
Adult learners: how long did it take to commit swimming to muscle memory?