I got another portal from this portal and then..
I got a umbra from a trade, and it is unevo, what can i do now?
Batle pass for shiny aku evo, worth it?
What happens if you dont get enough damage on the holiday event?
Could someone carry me on deception portal?
Whats the best offer i can get from my starter bundle?
Wich units should i use and wich ones should i get??
Phantom Megalodon Give Away!! 🥳
Best Phantom skin?
Is it worth changing to a controller?
Do I Keep or Keep appraising
Dondi Stream 2/21/25 Pine forest biome test
Looking for offers
trike footage in hordetesting?
Potato footage of trike
Lo9king for offers 🙏
Please I need help
Trading Magma Leviathan
Trading lovestorms for magma levi
Giving away 3 resin!!!!!
Name a dinosaur from your country, mine is: Oxalaia (Brazil)
Might have gone a little over a thousand relics. If you find me in a public server, feel free to ask for some. I won't give a lot because of how long it takes to trade though! (If I were to trade 1000 relics it would take more than an hour)
Read desc!!, big giveaway. 6 nessies, 19 lovestorms, 49 megs, 17 phantom megs, and lots more
Trading all of these (ngf)