Is it okay to just get away?
Sometimes, I think it’d be easier being a single dad.
[POEM] Laura, I Want You Pulling Your Hair Back by Natalie Dunn
Large Map Mural - Enhanced Satellite Imagery, Pacific Centered World Map - Installed in Yoga Studio
Funniest thing Doctor Doom has ever done?
Wife and I just had the separation conversation
Published my first poetry book. ELATED
Any other dad's out there not feeling well mentally?
Easy DIY to play with your 3+
What’s the One Line You’ve Written That You’re Most Proud Of?
Unpopular opinion: I love the show, but I hate Jo
Rachel and Ian in the car
I want a different genre of game for the next installment of the Endless universe
Huge if true – dark energy doesn’t exist, claims new study on supernovas
Shin Black Ramen with some Extras! (FOR ME! - but my 6 year old ate half of it!)
Shin Black Ramen with some Extras!
[NOMOS] Tangente neomatik rose gold for Japan Limited 20pcs. How does this look on my wrist?
I made my first one of these since I was a kid myself… are they still in vogue with the kids? (Was a smash hit with my eldest).
[Recommendation Request] Minimalist/simple, high quality cases/watch winders?
Recommendations for simple, high quality cases/watch winders?
1d4 things the adventurers see between the hills. I'll go first...
"Sydney sees a bird for the first time". It's a ghoul that my character and his Tzimisce friend have taken in. And modified a bit.
My process, in photos
How bad of an idea is a Concept2 RowErg in an older apartment for early exercise?
Sometimes I fear I lean too heavily on fine liner markers - so tried not touching them at all. How did I do?
A passage from "the Farthest Shore" reflects what is going on in our world right now