[TOMT] Horror movie where guy is about to get oral, but then the lady turns into a monster
Please, let us hear it.
What did you want to do as a job when you were at school?
Age yourself by sharing a CBBC or CITV show you were obsessed with as a child.
What’s one game/series you’re glad you grew up playing?
What's a Quote From a Game That's Imprinted On Your Brain?
What movie actually made you cry from laughing so hard?
Which actor completely disappeared into a role so well that you forgot it was them?
What are you'all playing currently?
What can you never truly understand until you have experienced it?
What old computer games give you the most nostalgia?
What movie had the greatest scene where a character lost it and went off?
What's an obscure movie you LOVE but no one know wtf you're talking about when you mention it?
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What are your best death scenes in movies?
One of the best pictures ever taken
That'll be $6,85, Sir!
Please settle an argument: is this bacon burnt?
Apricot bbq Spatchcock chicken
What’s your wildest NSFW secret?
What is the hardest you’ve ever cried in a movie?
What’s something you usually do in hotel rooms, but not at home?
[TOMT] VHS Movie name?
What film is terrible and you don't care, you like it anyway?
What’s a small decision you made that completely changed your life?