I just got this variant last week, only to find this out today, lol. Unlucky.
Yes I am going to rant because I <3 Smite 2!
OTA 3/13
I finally won the premium mystery variant from the random galactus prize draw!!
been waiting for a few more artgerm album variants in my store...
I’m gonna say it
Minor update btw
How do you interpret Juicy Jeff?
Absolutely loving this new BRB variant
A perfect example of the current state of caustic:
Which card in your collection "sparks joy?"
Tell me your killer main without telling me his/her name
Tell me your survivor main without telling me his/her name
Who do you think had the most painful and worst death?
Anyone else not gunning for new cards but instead want these more than anything?
What's your most hated Rift Challenge?
I can finally play the game 🥲
What does my taste say about me?
Which albums (if any) are you trying to complete on r have already completed, and which album emotes are your favorites?
She wasn't happy I was going to see a female friend
Ever since yesterday my name has been displaying this
What is the BEST thing about STW for you?
Send me your best DBD memes
Is this insane luck?