Who wins this? Canon L Vs Nagumo, Koenji, Aqua & Kasaki.
Poseidon is 5 stars in the new game
Is buddha vs Beelzebub close?
Is this enough to end this run?
What I would give to see this match up
Hot takes dump
Is anybody else taking their time with the game and way behind everybody else?
Morrigan and cu flashback leaked
Who Outsmarts? Akagi Vs Kanade
Senku ishigami vs Phineas flynn | who takes FSIQ ?
Day:4 of killing beelzebub with many weapons because I bloody hate him
Just a reminder that Poseidon never fought at full power since he didn't use the power of the Sea and Storm, and just resorted to thrusting with his Trident, still 2nd strongest, stronger than Fraud Thor
N-Nijika??? That's terrifying!
I ranked every fight and main character from every "ror like" manga
Apoc if it was peak
A bit of slander here, a bit of slander there...
Pick a any anime character you think you re smart as
Is Poseidon a true warrior or he's just that arrogant?
I was rereading round 3 and this caught me completely off guard, I forgot Shiva can do that
Nice detail in the last Apoc chapter: Prometheus and the fire
Who is the hottest/most attractive SCD character iyo?
The 6th rule should've been added way earlier, don't know why it took an entire post to be added when we've had this problem for months. Anyways where would the 05 council scale in SCD? and which high-god tier SCD characters would they be able to beat?
Finding new match ups pt.3 Shin Se-in vs Kuze Masachika Should I tag this NSFW? I think I will just to be safe)
Every fight shortest to longest
Simo and Freaky Razgriz