Portland tour
Where did you get your brest augmentation and how much did you pay?
Anyone experienced a “Declined” January Tiktok payment that says it will be paid next month instead? What will happen?
Anyone experienced a “Declined” January payment that says it will be paid next month instead? What will happen?
Anyone else have a “Declined” Payment for January that says it will be paid next month? What will happen??
It’s now January 16th and I still haven’t been paid ! Says ‘completed’ for the past 24 hours…
First time getting paid… how long should I expect it to take?
3 o’clock and still nothing
Anyone have a “completed” payment status but still haven’t been paid ? (Jan 16th)
Best local place to buy a women’s gold chain?
Adopted a dog - was eating the past two days a little but now won’t eat after i’ve been at work all day..
Any bars/restaurants streaming the Tyson-Paul fight tonight?
Does anyone else feel the same?
The banter
Get the damn JPouch (a positive post)
What’s up with the bikers along Sunrise/US1 most nights??
3rd step turn into 2?
Good Therapist Recs That Take Insurance?
Scared to start.. does anyone have a positive experience??
The bills can not be this high….
Is there anything similar to Brickell Babe Bible in Fort Lauderdale to make girl friends?
How much time do you spend thinking about yummy food you can’t eat?
Best HYSA out there right now?
Just moved here, looking for a bed