Did you give your cat a "real" name but only call them by nicknames?
Has anyone else "captured" their cat as a Pokemon?
PsA sucks sometimes. Let's talk about it
If you could speak fluent cat, what would you explain?
Has anyone else "injured" themselves with simple movements?
Does anyone’s tendons creak, snap or pop
I can't work out if I feel better or worse, I feel like just gaslight myself
I know how to play scales and I know all the keys on the keyboard. But I cannot read music at all, so I find it very hard to "translate" the notes on a page to the actual keys. What do I need to work on?
New Cat Hates Microsoft Teams
What is something more traumatizing than people realize?
How are you all learning?
What musician popped up in film or TV that just shocked you?
What medication are you taking? Anyone take low dose prednisone?nerve pain and fatigue. Good luck all
What common things help your PsA?
What was the thing that immediately led to your diagnosis?
Do you sleep with your cats? Is it dangerous?
Night Stand with Dick Dietrick
How many others are learning with arthritis?
Old Cold Case from NJ
Hurray for Rinvoq!
Sheet music for "Winning" from Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton's "Knives Don't Have Your Back"
What’s the adult equivalent of realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
15-year-old Katherine Herold's Body Was Found Strangled on Railroad Tracks Behind Abandoned Grain Mills in Buffalo, NY, in 1985. Were Satanists or a Serial Rapist to Blame?
OMG the audacity.
Does it ever get better?