This is my theory of who dies and who kills them in Season 3.
Worst first date ever on Valentine’s Day
Folks who run in the am before work - how long do you run (distance)?
What was the moment in breaking bad you lost all sympathy for Walter White?
How would Saul find out it’s all over?
Men who’ve slept with many women (12+), is monogamy difficult for you in relationships? Why or why not?
Porcelain cup issue (vs glass)
The photoshoot my cat had when her sons were born🤣 she was literally posing for the pictures🥰
Why is the newer generation having so much less sex than the previous ones?
What is the maximum age I should consider for a potential partner?
Let’s be honest,what do you want right now?
Couldn‘t Lily Potter just have grabbed Harry……and disapparated with him? When Voldemort came for them?
15 any advice on what i need to change?
Who are the three people from the history, who you are unrelated to, that you’d like go out to dinner with?
When did texting become a main communication method?
36 hours with no phone, not even my dumbphone
How to best approach a conversation with my ex-bf about consent?
Anyone you will hook me up with
which is preferred shaven or hairy/bush?
Why did the curse only bounce on Voldy in the end?
21-yr old guy who had never been loved/relationship need some advice
Buddies are split on it: Long or short?
Is this the most protein I can get with one meal deal?
Music in S3E8 “Chiantishire”
electric razor recommendations?