Fellow men, what are your coping mechanisms for depression, anxiety and/or lonliness?
What is ruining your mental health?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
Damned if I do ,damned if I dont
How do you answer the "do you have a partner? Why Not? " questions by family & colleagues.
Those Fools That Assaulted Mark!
Entrapment ?
What were you bullied for?
If you only could have sex in one position for the rest of your life what would it be?
What is your most secret confession?
Daddy issues?
I'm an Escort, AMA
Too drunk to consent
Men, when do you lie the most?
"The alleged Strathmore R*pist apparently admitted to the act in an undated video. So sick!"
"I am richer than you" - Kids 😂
Dear men: what are some some situations where you've been unfairly labeled as a "creep"?
Why don't people like you?
What is your biggest fear in life?
Living with a beggar
What’s the Best Self-Improvement Habit You’ve Adopted?
In you opinion what is a successful person?
"That’s like bleeding near a shark."
Feeling broke