Did ur BPD ex accuse you of being the abuser, manipulator, and maniac in the relationship
"my needs aren't getting met"
Borderline Cheating: Carnival of Collapse
Voice hasn’t dropped yet
The Most Consistent Red Flag IMO
I Left Because She Broke Me – A Reflection on My Relationship
Craziest thing yours had an outburst over?
Are they EVER grateful for anything?
Each and every one of you is so important!
Scared of friendships changing / feeling lonely
What I learned after a 10 year relationship with someone with BPD
To those who were not (knowingly) cheated on physically --
Is 35 too old to start over? Feeling like I’ll be alone forever.
Made the bed for the first time alone...
What was the First year like? Many breakups in Year one?
I lack sympathy for most borderlines
I feel triggered by BPD YouTube videos from psychologists who downplay the abuse
Best wishes to the hurt, lonely and sad. You're not alone.
Everyone loves my wife.. but me
How, why, how are you?
I am so glad you "FOUND YOURSELF"!
It gets better 💛
First time I got through something on my own without him.
my wife developed feelings for 2 of our friends and wants to be poly. I don’t.
I need some advice for these bizarre circumstances