Wallaby startin something
Do you stand when the Australian national anthem is sung on TV?
The ring came off my ginger beer can
Aussie sentences (Trigger warning, NSFW, Racist, Sexist Etc)
Could This Gentleman Be a Gluron? An Investigation
TIL Prior to the Reagan era trickle down economics was called Horse and Sparrow Theory, as in feed the horse lots of oats and the sparrows get to pick it out of their poop.
Transecting the grid
Best buddies
Oh Mr Hart! What a mess!
The McDonald’s worker counted this as one nugget
Frog/Subaru Brat out of storage
Dolphin encounter while on horseback
If you could have anyone, real or not, as a GPS voice, who would you choose?
The anticipation is killing me
Northern NSW, Australia
My mate this arvo
7-Zark-7 had the hotz for Susan
TIL that the first hammer was invented 3.3 million years ago. It was made of a stone tied to a stick by strips of animal sinew.
The minds of older Australians who vote for the Liberal Party. I’ve noticed some trends and predictable behaviour patterns.
LPT: If you can't sleep, get a smooth rock that feels good in your hand and rub your thumb on it. It's practically like meditating, since you're focusing on rubbing the rock. (Some call this type of rock a "worry stone".)
No-Build Setup, What Do Y'all Think?
Ear Infection
Australians are losing more money to gambling each year than the federal government spends on aged care and almost as much as it spends on the national disability insurance scheme, a new report has found.
What could possibligh go wrong