Is it a turnoff if...?
23m4a anyone free rn or anyone at limbits today ?
I have never played Doom, AMA and i’ll respond as if I know the answer
“Cleaning cart” makes it’s way backstage at a Taylor Swift concert
who the fuck is the guy saying 'i know?'
What’s the best website to get the physical books in the UK?
How does multiattack work with linked affects?
Today is my birthday and I bought to myself a shark card even though it's for a 4-year-old. Because I live for sharks.
Advice to introduce kids to the game
I'm very bored, so I want to draw your dog very badly (like worse than kindergarten level)
Anybody Know What Card This Was?
Well, I think that makes it worse
What a human uterus looks like, if curious.
22 ~ PC & PS5 ~ Looking for some friends!
Looking for a BG3 party on PS5
I want to get this on my shoulder. Thoughts?
Eldrazi scion
Sorry about the killer hotdogs in New York!
Red prevent damage?
Karumonix Commander Deck Help
How to improve my rat infect deck? Want to know if there are any changes i should make before i buy the cards
Can you guys do this for me pls
Another bean jar?? (2 slides)
Do girls have lustful thoughts about crushes?
Does any run the Deathmantle combos?