Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Im so lost.
AIO bf was rude when helping to clean up my vomit
Baby boy coming any day now. Last call-- is our name ok?
Married redditors, how frequently do you shower with your partner?
When the episode begins and you see they're purposely hiding clothing of someone they're interviewing.
My partner wants to name his child after himself
This chick went from 0-100 over a misinterpreted phrase
What is the purpose of this
Defendant's Motion to Exclude the Testimony of James W. Crosby, MS Ph D. is hereby DENIED. (Crosby WILL be allowed to testify)
Pregnant and after receiving this message completely lost on what to do..
Abdul Aziz Khan has been found alive!
Did you reuse first baby’s potential name?
HAE never wanted but now agreeing to a divorce
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
Why do people taking drugs bend over at the waist yet remain standing? What drugs are they even taking?
DAE constantly switch words and parts of different words with each other?
How many people with your parents first names did you go to school with?
DAE not give a crap about your ancestry?
Democrat calls family with a mom and dad “dangerous and un-American“
Where do you keep your toothpicks?
DAE have groups of people they automatically distrust for petty reasons?
Asian male officers?
Reason for random Canadian phrases?
Daddy Cop needs to come back this season.