33 y.o 9 years in
Body riight
Just found this goated song 🙏🏾
What boss fight has you like this?
I'm 6.5 feet or 197cm tall. Recommend a car please.
What a view
Franklin asking the important questions
I saw a cat hating subreddit just now and I am shocked. People actually get together and viciously and mindlessly hate on animals, what the fuck is wrong with them?
At least that's why i like it
Could Accordion be the saddest hip hop beat ever made?
Fellow singletons, y’all ready?
Idk why niggas think like this🤦🏽
Latest data
What’s everyone’s take on the people who are playing their first tekken and already are a high rank?
Anyone listen to this piece? It has a very eery tone to it
Your First Tekken Game Was:
I gotta learn to quit while I'm ahead.
Found these an mixtape monkey are they real?
Although music is subjective and there is no right answer, what is your favorite MF DOOM song? I’ll go first
Nokia vs hydraulic press
Loser backruptcy
At work seeing this deleting 2k when I get home…
How the salary cap squads looking