The Fruit Question
Would you guys prefer shorter seasons with more more main plot focus?
I am so sorry, i just cant without them
Should we watch all seasons or stop at some point?
Finally found a bit of fiction that might be just over the line
What is Dylan’s best video?
found another look alike
I need Dylan to know that the producers of After are releasing a new movie series that already looks questionable
Who Is Coming To Save You
Ooga Booga as a greeting sounds fine to me
Reacher and wayward son
make the comments look like dylan's spotify wrapped.
Got to meet Jared
idk if Dylan realizes what he’s done by saying this
Only one who wants "until I hate myself" back?
Why do I dislike Castiel’s character? (Please keep your guns away)
i wish dylan took movie requests
what season do you guys start from when you rewatch?
Everyone is unique
What to watch next?
What's something you would've liked to see more of?
What is everyone’s ’feel good’ scene. Mine? S11E4 Night Moves scene. 👌👌👌
Just Finished
What's something you noticed on your rewatch?
Jared’s greatest accomplishment