Kicked out of the band
Been playing for about 1.5 years, how’s my doubles technique?
Schools and BVG strike?
Have take-at-homes gone too far?
Tempelhofer Feld
POV: You go to Germany
winter rosé
Why do people dislike Scholtz so much?
I feel worse by the day because of politics
Loneliness in Germany
100K in Munich or 135K in Zurich?
How to make German friends in Germany - from a German
No water in charlottenburg
Wedding Wasserrohrbruch, ganze Stadt ohne Wasser im Moment
The new sidebar doesn't have an easy ''remove'; option. Please remove it.
Send it to Ordnungsamt via App, they said they took care of it, they lied. Kai Wegners Berlin.
Russian funded environmental groups?
Are tech companies trying to close their shop/reduce headcount in Germany ? Is this acknowledged by the govt and they are doing something about it ?
Deutsche Gehälter im europäischen Vergleich im Verhältnis zu den Lebenshaltungskosten; nach Regionen
Ich bin Christian Lindner, Bundesfinanzminister, AMA!
Kartenzahlung kommt: BVG schafft Barzahlung in Bussen zum 1. September ab
Musikliste Standesamt Neukölln von Berlin
О перспективах иммиграции на Навальный Live
Berlin's BER wins award for best airport in Europe
Einbürgerungstest in Brandenburg - while living in Berlin