AITA for calling a woman fat?
How do I get the stains/possible gunk out of this plastic cutting board? Or should I just replace it?
feel so horrible
Can we save this tub?
Trump wearing foot protectors. OC
bed spread
How Long Did It Take For Your Bowel Movements To Be "Normal"?
Should my relationship end because we can't agree on having kids?
Best way to clean suction bath mat?
My local office has no appointements for survivor benefits, please help
Need to wash fabric but don’t have cold water. Help?
Is a GP diagnosis valid without a GES?
Found out I am pregnant 3 days before being told I have a brain aneurysm
Dealing with the inevitability of death
Bra has sharp cheese smell after wearing
My mom needs to refinance her home and wants me to sign?
I have a problem.
Anyone have any tips for cleaning the grease off plastic hair combs?
Antibiotics after successful FMT
Found some hardwood floors under carpet. Would this section that doesn’t have wood be expensive to patch? Wondering if I should pay to restore them or just carpet it again for now.
Please help me be a better parent to my teenager who hates to shower
How do I come to terms with the end of my reproductive years ?
Get rid of the smell in my insulated cup?
I will turn 60 I a few days