Guess every mode eventually rots
The new tanks in a nutshell (1 minute into the game)
I don't get people who message after game just to explain why they are bad
BZ-176 should be tier X
Nice server...... thanks...
Doesn't Onslaught provide EXACTLY what Bad (and some Good) players have been clamoring for?
Returning player, how much coke did the devs take when they thought that a pen indicator was a good idea?
Is it possible to land in gold directly after 10/10 placement wins?
What should I click? If I click thumbs up, will MM give me more bot teams? If I click thumbs down, will MM give me less top tier battles?
Always happens when I'm trying to make a 10-battle meme
Was curious about E 25 correlation since somebody mentioned about E 25 MOE
The only thing rigged is the matchmaker and he doesn't even realize that
Image stuttering?
Frontline noobs
How did we lose this lol
WG prefer one sided battle, in order to not break the honor code of "random"
Weird behavior of manageable x3 multiplier
What have you reached in Onslaught so far playing only solo?
Statistical anomaly
So what's WG trying to say? "Haha you'll never drive this tank?"
Kpz EK I in a nutshell
5/7 of my tier 9 battles today are in teams with 8*tier X and 7*tier 9
Team 2 won because?