This game was really hard for me to climb in gold until I picked up Volibear and got Rank 1 World, why do people struggle with climbing on this champion? It's so broken and braindead
How am i supposed to impact the game on top lane where a snowball midlaner champ (mostly leblanc) is 7/0 by the time i'm 1/0 - 2/0 in lane on 12 minutes of game
So.... am i the only one that is finding more success with volibear top lane than jungle recently?
"Apóiem o comércio local" O comércio local:
Lich Bane on Voli
good stuff riot games!
I lost the game but at least i annoyed them a little :(
Sometimes i tend to forget that elo doesn't mean anything, literally, not even gamewise, as no one will ever accept that you are on the elo you deserve, not even yourself.
Why do i have to wait for every person name to show up on the post game client for the go next button to work
Remember do not, don't ever in your entire life, give your role to someone who got autofilled.
Leavitt - ''Tarifas são um aumento de impostos para países estrangeiros e um corte de impostos para o povo americano.''
For those you reached challenger/master on voli jungle: HOW?
Pedi um aumento para meu chefe, ele recusou, e disse que era a melhor opção procurar outras vagas de emprego
Tanks are kinda useless
Normal game queue times disgustingly high at 10 am for a ''popular game''
Is it just me or does every build except for ROA+Quickblades feels terrible?
Why am i so sensitive about spicy food? i can barely handle pepperoni
I reached diamond with 60% winrate over 183 games and i have no idea what i'm doing.
Pls help...
Tried Cookie voli build on my diamond 2 match
How do i climb further? reached diamond and every game is still a huge coinflip of which team steamrolls each other.
Some champions are always a pain in the ass no matter if they are weak or not
I finally managed to hit Diamond after deciding to play jungle and one tricking the bear
I think i kinda pissed them off
The ''TRY TO RUN NOW MF'' build.