List and Links of All PSAs!
What do you think was Jensen's best performance on the show? Here's mine
WTF... yes, the blanked out words in the summary are slurs. Forgive the hacky editing job, I did my best.
i found an easter egg in undertale
why crowley became Good After Season 8
Why does Dean ask Sam to take a side when he hasn't? (Talking about family or friends).
Besides Jensen, which actor do you think best played Dean?
Dick Roman's not really as formidable as I remembered
Which job sounds more appealing to you, with pay and hours worked being equal?*
You know, y'all don't have to ask about pet peeves anymore
What language do you speak with your parents in?
Have you ever been educated on the “fancy trade”?
Sokka Really Stopped Being Sarcastic...
WTW for mispronunciation of words or phrases
Is it okay to call your favorite sports team (that you are not on) “we”?
This plot is dumb
Help me find gen fics, pls!!!
Favorite character who doesn't consider himself a hero but ends up being one?
Is it coorcive to donate blood if snacks are provided afterward ?
Cass Disrespect
Do you love your family?
Who's your most hated character? I'll start.
Should The Us Annex Canada?
Are you exasperated by IF THEN nonsense?
Who's a character that everyone loves but u just don't get the hype? I'll start