What is this?
After '72, Bangabandhu lived for only two and a half more years. In building a newly independent country with no reserves.
Someone screamed Ausländer raus
What does this mean? Overtime will be paid or not?
We had an abortion due to life situation and now I feel that our first baby experience is ruined
Hindu priest Chinmoy Krishna Das' lawyer killed amid protests outside Bangladesh court
How many of you guys have homosexual friends in your friend circle?
How do you say gay in bangla
About working during weekends and holidays in Germany
Career path for a Field Service Engineer?
Dresdner 9/11
Noticed mistake in Cover Letter after getting interview call.. what could happen?
"Ausländer Raus" chant, what is your opinion?
Path for a Field Service Engineer in Semiconductor industry
Career path for a Field service engineer?
Skills for beginner Process engineer for Semiconductor Industry
Skills for a new process engineer?
facebook disabled me for 180 days for “not following” terms and service on intellectual property.
Converting my b78 license to b197
Job Center Voucher for language course for a job seeker visa holder?
Anyone else noticed an influx of right-wing comments?
How much of your net income do you use for rent / mortgage?
My boss doesn’t speak good English so I get texts like this often
Cannabis legalization and Driving : what is the German Regulation?