I think I accidentally ordered Dark System plus Miya
Was getting Locs a mistake??
What song do you listen to while playing?
what do you guys think about taylor?
Which champion has the Best waveclear on every lane?
Walmart battle vest
Curl Pattern?
I'm bored can you guys spell pizza wrong (image unrelated)
Worst luck in Mlbb😭 Devs hate me that much??? Not a single epic or luckybox in the kof draws too
We need this, at least for solo queue , so the dark system didn't get carried
Warning: don't accept extensions v2 tool log unless you're really desparate
Trump to Sign Executive Order Making English Official U.S. Language
Well damn :(
Should a "Woman" be that muscular?
who can 'fix' her?
How do I get out of grandmaster solo q?
Mages are meant to nuke so i think Novaria deserves to nuke too
A government department I work with just got fired. The end result is going to be a bunch of families becoming homeless.
Hot to deal with this piece of shirt
Would you betray your main..
I have never used profanity on reddit
How is this fair?
Why did SPCA law enforcement put tape over my neighbors door when serving them?
A tip for bush checking
Yes !!!!